Friday, October 19, 2007

A Perfect Day for Trashy Women

Saturday October 20 is not only the day for the fabulous (and I sincerely hope dry) Apple Butter Making Festival at Fair Hill, right off Rte 273 from 10-5, but it's the day for the Winterthur Auction at Bayview Auction House on Rte 274 in Cecil County...and you know what that means, right?
It means that Sunday October 21 is the absolutely perfect day for the Trashy Women to go dumpster diving!
Yes yes yes, Jim and Donna and Elisha encourage us to come and pick up what was not sold --- they hate waste as much as we do, so dear Trashy Women, go do it!



1 comment:

maggie said...

welcome to blogdome! it's a fun hobby and a great way to avoid doing things you don't like to do.

missing everyone in maryland!

the other maggie
now in portland maine