Yes, yes, Trashy Fans, many Trashy Women and Trashy Women-in-waiting are showing their stuff at the Elkton Arts Center.
That's at 135 East Main Street in Elkton, home of the Cecil County Arts Council, the 30year+ supporter of the arts in Cecil County. Log onto www.cecilcountyartscouncil.org
and see what totally cool stuff they offer!
And come to the opening tonight of "A Tree for all Seasons" ---it runs from 5-7 pm at the above address. There will be music and snickysnacks and swellzo art-type people...you'll have such a good time that you'll want join the CCAC, just to be part of the art action crowd in the county!

See you there, artists and art fans! As Mondrian would have said: Be there, or be square!